Sunday, September 23, 2012

Service and Football!

Today's sermon was on 1 John chapter 2.  Pastor was speaking about the fruit of a Christian.  Since the background of the book of 1 John is about the pastor, John, looking at the fruit of his congregation it's greatly applicable to the fruit of the Christian life.  Today was particularly about brotherly love.  We should care about our fellow brothers and sisters.  Support them when weak and rejoice with them when strong.

After church I pushed one of the little girls on the swings for a bit and then we had a game of two touch football.  I think I've finally figured that game out!  The first time I played I caught the ball and ran the wrong way!  You can imagine the reaction!  Today we played Boys vs. Girls with one of the dads playing as quarterback for both teams.  We had a nice friendly game ending in a tie of 3-3.

I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their Sunday!

In Him,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Festival!

We had a great time at the festival on Saturday!  Of course I came home with some goodies!
I got:
~4 oz. of an alpaca/silk blend fiber (70% alpaca, 30% silk) I spun this up already!  I LOVE it!  It was just lovely!  I got 226 yards of fingering weight (2 ply)
~2 oz. of a multi colored purple fiber  Love this too!  It's also almost done being spun...I tried to spin really thin since I only had 2 oz.  So I'm almost done with that and then it will be ready to ply.
~2 magnet chart keepers I really needed these since I'm always using my mom's!
~and last but not least a package of Knit Picks interchangeable cables (24")  I needed some new cables since I always have a lot of projects going at once.

I was very happy with all of my purchases!  =)  I'll try to post some pictures and links to the shops soon!

The festival itself was wonderful!  We went last year too, so this was our second year attending.  It has a total of about four barns.  The first one has all the sheep and goats being shown; the second, the show arena; and the last two, venders!  I prefer the last two!  I like the sheep and animals too, of course, but the stuff for sale is my favorite!  hehehe

Well, I'm going to get going!  I think we'll go watch a movie and I'll either draw or spin! =)

Have a blessed night!

In Him,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sheep and Wool...and Banana Ice Cream

Good evening!

Right now I'm just relaxing taking some time to post!  Today we finished up re-doing our living room.  We painted the walls and the couch!  Yes, painting the couch was on purpose!  It was not an accident!  We bought some upholstery spray paint and painted the cream colored couch to a nice dark brown.  We did the walls light gray with white trim.  It looks really nice and is more modern looking.

We're also looking forward to going to the New Jersey Sheep and Wool this weekend!  Whoo hoo!  It's just the right size for a festival in a day.  We're also hoping to find some fleeces to blend with our angora.  We bought a used drum carder a few months ago and have been having fun playing with it.  We have a total of 13 rabbits right now; 4 English Angoras, 6 German Angoras, 2 Lionheads, and 1 New Zealand.  Two of the six Germans are our 2 babies!  They are too cute!  They are almost 2 months old now and as cute and fuzzy as anything.  I'll try to post some pictures soon!

 I'm going to go make some Banana Ice Cream!  It's so simple.  Pre-freeze some peeled bananas.  This is great when you have ones getting brown.  Slice up a few of the frozen bananas and put them in the food processor.  Blend until chopped up, (it won't be too smooth yet).  Add a dash of milk.  (You can use coconut milk, almond milk, heavy cream, etc.)  Also add any flavors you want.  (Just be careful if you use mint extract it's VERY strong and you only need a tiny bit).  I usually put in a generous tablespoon of cocoa in when I make it since I'm a chocolate maniac!  Blend again until smooth.  Makes a great dessert with no sweeteners!  The bananas are sweet enough to satisfy and to make sure it's not bitter from cocoa.  Enjoy! =)

Have a great night!

In Him,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

To start with...

Hi there!  I figured that I wanted my first post to be about the most important aspect of my life.  So I'll start with my testimony.  If it weren't for the blood of Christ I wouldn't be on my way to my promised home in heaven.  

Growing up in a Christian home since I was little, I always felt nervous when I heard people say, "Do you know the hour, the day, the year you got saved?".  The reason for my nervousness being that I never had a huge conversion as older people do when they turn to Christ.  Of course I knew I was a sinner, and still am, but I never had years of sin behind me before coming to Christ.  I think by growing up in a Christian home and hearing the gospel message while growing up from my parents and from Sunday school, etc. that I gradually realized that that faith became my own.  I heard someone preach recently saying that he grew up in a Christian home and had a similar "problem".  "But I don't remember when I got saved!  I've heard the gospel since I was little!  I don't remember when it happened."  He had a great point...Never think that you "missed out".  That you are any less Christian.  You were spared from the life of sin you could have lived by not growing up in a Christian home.  So all of this basically boils down to I don't know exactly when I got saved.  I came to a gradual understanding of Jesus' blood covering my sin and trusting Him.  But whenever I came to that full understanding doesn't really matter, all that matters is that I know that I know that I'm going to be with my Lord when I die.  I hope that this was a blessing to you and maybe will help you or others that have struggled with the "when" in your walk with the Lord.  

If you've never trusted Jesus as your Lord I plead with you to make that decision to trust Him and accept Him as your Savior.  We can't get to heaven without Him; we can't do it on our own.  

"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

Have a wonderful night!
In Christ's Love,