Tuesday, September 4, 2012

To start with...

Hi there!  I figured that I wanted my first post to be about the most important aspect of my life.  So I'll start with my testimony.  If it weren't for the blood of Christ I wouldn't be on my way to my promised home in heaven.  

Growing up in a Christian home since I was little, I always felt nervous when I heard people say, "Do you know the hour, the day, the year you got saved?".  The reason for my nervousness being that I never had a huge conversion as older people do when they turn to Christ.  Of course I knew I was a sinner, and still am, but I never had years of sin behind me before coming to Christ.  I think by growing up in a Christian home and hearing the gospel message while growing up from my parents and from Sunday school, etc. that I gradually realized that that faith became my own.  I heard someone preach recently saying that he grew up in a Christian home and had a similar "problem".  "But I don't remember when I got saved!  I've heard the gospel since I was little!  I don't remember when it happened."  He had a great point...Never think that you "missed out".  That you are any less Christian.  You were spared from the life of sin you could have lived by not growing up in a Christian home.  So all of this basically boils down to I don't know exactly when I got saved.  I came to a gradual understanding of Jesus' blood covering my sin and trusting Him.  But whenever I came to that full understanding doesn't really matter, all that matters is that I know that I know that I'm going to be with my Lord when I die.  I hope that this was a blessing to you and maybe will help you or others that have struggled with the "when" in your walk with the Lord.  

If you've never trusted Jesus as your Lord I plead with you to make that decision to trust Him and accept Him as your Savior.  We can't get to heaven without Him; we can't do it on our own.  

"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

Have a wonderful night!
In Christ's Love,


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